Controlling Career Plateau in Jordanian Public Commissions: The Role of Corporate Governance

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Nour Sami Matar Badir
Prof. Ghazi Rasmi Abu Qaud


This study aimed to examine the extent to which the application of corporate governance principles, represented by the rule of law, transparency, accountability, participation and fairness, have the power to control the three forms of career plateau (structural plateau, content plateau and personal plateau) in Jordanian public commissions. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers relied on the analytical descriptive approach as it is appropriate to the nature of the study, which helps to identify the characteristics of the phenomenon of career plateau and the main factors and variables causing it. The study population was made up of the employees working in the seven Jordanian public commissions that are reported to the Prime Minister, which counts (1429) employees (the Prime Minister’s Office, 2023). The researchers selected a proportional stratified sample of (306) employees from the various occupational levels (top, middle, lower and functional) in the targeted commissions. This study revealed a statistically significant impact of the corporate governance variable in the career plateau, as the results showed that corporate governance explained (21.5%) of the variance in career plateau. Finally, the study recommended commissions to strengthen the principle of transparency in regard of the procedures for hiring and/or termination of managers and staff. In addition to finding new and innovative methods for completing work and reducing routine tasks by employing technology and artificial intelligence to accomplish routine tasks and freeing up employees for important activities, which increases their levels of challenge and encourages them for continual learning.


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How to Cite
Nour Sami Matar Badir, & Prof. Ghazi Rasmi Abu Qaud. (2024). Controlling Career Plateau in Jordanian Public Commissions: The Role of Corporate Governance. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 7218 –.