Colonial Historiography And Its Impact On Regional History Writing

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Dr. Nalini Nongmeikapam


This research study explores the significant impact of colonial historiography on the analysis and discourse of regional histories. During the European colonial period, colonial historiography frequently emphasised Eurocentric viewpoints and marginalised indigenous narratives. This approach portrayed colonised nations as stagnant and primitive in order to rationalise imperial domination. The study examines the impact of these historiographical techniques on academic disciplines, educational curricula, and public memory, leading to a distorted comprehension of pre-colonial and colonial eras. The study demonstrates the enduring social and political consequences of colonial narratives on regional historiographies.

Moreover, the study explores postcolonial criticisms that aim to remove colonial influences from historical accounts by including indigenous perspectives and use interdisciplinary methods. This entails reassessing primary sources and oral traditions in order to construct histories that are more complex and inclusive. The study asserts that the process of decolonizing historiography is crucial in order to cultivate a more precise and fair comprehension of regional histories, thereby enabling communities to regain ownership of their cultural legacy and identity. Ultimately, this study highlights the importance of consistently analysing and updating the historical accounts of colonialism to foster a more equitable and all-encompassing comprehension of the past. These initiatives are crucial to the overall objective of cultural and intellectual decolonization, since they aim to foster a historical awareness that is inclusive, diverse, and fair.


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How to Cite
Dr. Nalini Nongmeikapam. (2024). Colonial Historiography And Its Impact On Regional History Writing. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8052–8056.
Author Biography

Dr. Nalini Nongmeikapam

Associate Professor, G.P. Women’s College, Imphal