A Comparative Study on the Perfume Industry and Customer Perception in India and Dubai: An Empirical Analysis

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Fariyah Banu Jamaluddin Saiyad
Dr. Shobha Dedhia


When determining whether to purchase scent products, consumers must go through a challenging process. Consumers' choice of smells is impacted by a number of things. Social, demographic, and psychological factors are among these factors. For instance, some consumers choose a perfume based on recommendations from family members who have used the brand or are familiar with someone who has. Demographically Age, income level, personality, routine, self-concept, in addition values of the consumer that might all have an impact on their choice of perfume. This study aims to compare the perfume industry in India and Dubai and at the same time, studies to understand the consumer preference in terms of the factors influencing buying different fragrances. For the study, a total of 150 consumers from each country, thus 300 in all are considered. The survey was conducted in the digital mode and the analysis on the respondents using statistical tools. It is notable that the Indian perfume market is overloaded with the consumer demand, however, performance of the perfume industry is better with the Dubai perfume market. Ratings of perfume are significantly impacted by perfume buying factors.


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How to Cite
Fariyah Banu Jamaluddin Saiyad, & Dr. Shobha Dedhia. (2024). A Comparative Study on the Perfume Industry and Customer Perception in India and Dubai: An Empirical Analysis. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8229–8235. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4332
Author Biographies

Fariyah Banu Jamaluddin Saiyad

Department of Commerce, S.N.D.T Women’s University,Churchgate, Mumbai, India.

Dr. Shobha Dedhia

Department of Commerce, S.N.D.T Women’s University, Churchgate, Mumbai, India