Prophetic Leadership Perspective Didin Hafidhuddin in Pesantren Ulil Al-baab UIKA Bogor Indonesia

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Hasbi Indra
Hendri Tanjung
Yanti Hasbian Setiawati
Amie Primarni
Efrita Norman


This study portrays the role of Didin Hafidhuddin, an Islamic scholar and the leader, in producing quality leaders since 1987 at Ulul al-baab pesantren at Bogor, Indonesia. Ulul al-baab is one of the high-level Islamic boarding schools in Indonesian legislative nomenclature categorized as non-formal education in order to produce religious scholar. The mission of producing Indonesian leaders both in government and on campus, they have a deep knowledge of the Islamic religion, and also have the ability to lead. In carrying out its leadership at Ulul albaab, the basis used is the Qur'anic and Alhadist norms which are termed as propethic leadership. Under his leadership, Ulul albaab continues to exist to this day and has graduated alumni who occupy ministerial seats in the cabinet and leaders in political parties. There are also scientists who occupy leadership in Islamic higher education in Indonesia. This research is about figures relating to their views and application using a qualitative approach that is sourced from literature such as books, journals, documents and also through interviews with Didin Hafidhuddin, and his students. This study discusses the biography of Didin Hafidhuddin challenges and leadership from an Islamic perspective and his leadership perspective.


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How to Cite
Indra, H., Hendri Tanjung, Yanti Hasbian Setiawati, Ibdalsyah, Amie Primarni, & Efrita Norman. (2022). Prophetic Leadership Perspective Didin Hafidhuddin in Pesantren Ulil Al-baab UIKA Bogor Indonesia. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 28(4), 34–45.