Role Of Hotel Industry In Tourism Development

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S. S. Deepthi
Dr. Sayeeda Jabeen Shariff


Tourism sector has a very definite and the global industry, such as the tourism and travel industry, is the main contributor to the service industry in worldwide. But last few years onwards there is very unconditional situation which effect on our GDP. The main purpose of this study is to Find the people perception towards the influencing factors in Hotel Industry for tourism and to analyse the impact of Hotel Industry for tourism development. Tourist people are admired by the Hotel Industry services such as Equipped bedrooms, Cleanliness, Bars & lounges, High class decorations, sports & Exercise facilities, Excellent Cuisine, Luxurious premises. Above all the Tourist people are most preferred by Excellent Cuisine and Cleanliness.This leads to the great impact on Tourism development and they prefer the same places to visit again for the above reasons.


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How to Cite
S. S. Deepthi, & Dr. Sayeeda Jabeen Shariff. (2024). Role Of Hotel Industry In Tourism Development. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 10088–10091.
Author Biographies

S. S. Deepthi

Ph. D Research Scholar, Department Of Commerce, Vistas, Pallavaram, Chennai

Dr. Sayeeda Jabeen Shariff

Assistant Professor& Research Supervisor, Department Of Commerce, Vistas, Pallavaram, Chennai