Kick-Starting Global Citizenship Education In Schools Through The Instrumentality Of Social Studies Education Curriculum Framework

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Sani Alhaji Garba
Lawan Abdulhamid
Danbala Usman


The need and beauty of Global Citizenship Education are well-established in the literature. However, getting a place for it to function as a subject in the school system proves difficult due to the lack of a Teacher Education Curriculum Framework among other reasons. This limitation notwithstanding, Global Citizenship Education can get into the school system by leveraging the Social Studies Education curriculum design in the school system and its teacher education framework. Based on the perspective presented in this concept article, we consider Social Studies and Global Citizenship Education to be value and problem-solving-oriented disciplines with a common goal of preparing the youth for ‘responsible citizenship’. The two have more in common than they differ. What differs between the two is the scope, national and global. Rather than advocating for Global citizenship education to have a place of its own in the school, it is wiser to consider achieving its goal through the existing framework of social studies education. With this approach, the floating idea of Global Citizenship Education can have a quiet, soft, and safe landing in the education system of member nations in the international community. This paper highlights the potential of Social Studies Education as a platform for the dispensation of Global Citizenship Education as opposing the view that advocates for the introduction of Global Citizenship Education as a new subject in the school system.


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How to Cite
Sani Alhaji Garba, Lawan Abdulhamid, & Danbala Usman. (2024). Kick-Starting Global Citizenship Education In Schools Through The Instrumentality Of Social Studies Education Curriculum Framework. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8388–8394.
Author Biographies

Sani Alhaji Garba

Department of Education, Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia, Orcid ID:,

Lawan Abdulhamid

Wits School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa,

Danbala Usman

Department of Nigerian Languages, College of Education Akwanga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria