A Study On Impact Of Green Marketing Scepticism Through Social Media Platforms On Consumer Buying Decisions Towards Organic Personal Care Products

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Anjali Sharma
Dr Richa Bhatia


Due to environmental awareness and climate changes, businesses are realising the value of integrating sustainability into their marketing strategy. Today, nations all across the world share the objective of sustainable development. The public, governments, organisations, and individuals must all participate in sustainable development, which is an integrated and holistic approach that operates at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Green marketing is the practice of promoting goods and services on the grounds of their positive effects on the environment, such as their ability to avoid environmental degradation and reduce pollution. These goods are produced, packaged, and sold using environmentally responsible methods. Although environmentally friendly production and packaging practices have drawn more attention, more has to be done to focus on environmentally friendly product marketing and distribution strategies. One such technique is social media marketing. Social media platforms have developed into effective tools that help companies communicate with a large audience and convey their message. Social media is essential for promoting sustainable messaging and interacting with eco-aware customers in the context of green marketing. The current research has demonstrated that social networks and network marketing strategies can significantly impact green marketing initiatives. The results of the research will assist marketers in comprehending the significant influence that social media has on consumers' inclinations to make purchases.


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How to Cite
Anjali Sharma, & Dr Richa Bhatia. (2024). A Study On Impact Of Green Marketing Scepticism Through Social Media Platforms On Consumer Buying Decisions Towards Organic Personal Care Products. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8467–8471. Retrieved from https://kuey.net/index.php/kuey/article/view/4385
Author Biographies

Anjali Sharma

Research Scholar, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. , Mob: 8054821958

Dr Richa Bhatia

Associate professor, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.