Influence Of Celebrity Endorsement – An Effective Tag-Line

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Ms. Shraddha Laddha
Dr. Jitendra Talreja
Dr. Manish Jain
Dr. Ruchi Mantri


This paper presents the findings of an exploratory conceptual research on celebrity endorsement. Literature survey of both theoretical and empirical research on the subject clearly indicates that celebrity product endorsement is a form of co-branding, which influences brand image through meaning transfer from the endorser to the endorsed brand. Celebrity-product congruence has a positive impact on brand image, which in turn has a positive impact on brand equity. While this paper draws up a model, based on a conceptual approach, scope for further research lies in validating the same through a primary research. Research of celebrity endorsement has focused mainly on four different approaches. First, the characteristics of an endorser as a source of information, divided in attractiveness and credibility. Additionally, Match-Up between product and endorser characteristics is examined finally, in a more comprehensive model


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How to Cite
Ms. Shraddha Laddha, Dr. Jitendra Talreja, Dr. Manish Jain, & Dr. Ruchi Mantri. (2024). Influence Of Celebrity Endorsement – An Effective Tag-Line. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8699–8709.
Author Biographies

Ms. Shraddha Laddha

IPS Academy, Institute of Business Management and Research, Indore (M.P.)

Dr. Jitendra Talreja

Medicaps University, Indore (M.P.)

Dr. Manish Jain

Shivajirao kadam institute of technology and management, Indore (M.P.)

Dr. Ruchi Mantri

IPS Academy, Institute of Business Management and Research, Indore (M.P.)