Human Resource Development In Vietnam Currently: Theoretical And Practical Issues

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Le Thi Kim Hoa


Human resource development in Vietnam today is an urgent issue given the country's trends and needs for innovation and integration. The human resource development process nurtures the capacity, skills and attitudes of employees. This helps increase the organization's value performance. When businesses improve the level of human resources, it will create dynamism for the organization. At the same time, it helps the organization achieve its long-term sustainable development goals, helping to better manage the business. For employees who participate in the process of developing human resources in the enterprise, they have an environment to demonstrate their abilities and personal qualities for their work. Challenging yourself successfully not only helps employees develop their skills but also brings happiness at work. In the long run, the process of self-affirmation brings infinite creativity to workers, helping them become professional and easily adapt to all changes in their current and future jobs. Adapting to competition and integration in the context of globalization, human resource development policies in Vietnam need to ensure the quantity, quality and distribution of human resources, improving employee motivation. labor, focusing on developing professional qualifications and skills. The article was written with the purpose of understanding and analyzing theoretical and practical issues related to human resource development today in Vietnam (focusing on green human resource management; human resources green skills), with contents related to an overview of human resource research orientation, human resources, and green human resource management; Issues that need attention to develop contemporary human resources in Vietnam today. The limitation of this study is that it has not yet stated and analyzed the factors affecting contemporary human resource development in Vietnam today.


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How to Cite
Le Thi Kim Hoa. (2024). Human Resource Development In Vietnam Currently: Theoretical And Practical Issues. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 9216–9221.
Author Biography

Le Thi Kim Hoa

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam