Delving Into The Themes Pertaining To Indian Medical Tourism: A Critical Evaluation

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Anoop Gurunathan A
K S Lakshmi


People travelling across borders to seek medical, health and wellness treatment and therapies have been there for years. But, the trend of people travelling from developed countries to developing countries to obtain medical treatment has been an emerging phenomenon. Asian countries are the largest recipients of medical tourists from developed countries. India is also one of the preferred destinations for medical tourism. Hence, this paper aims to investigate the pertaining themes related to medical tourism in India. As a result, six pertaining themes could be reached using the secondary data obtained from previous studies. The study would help healthcare providers and policymakers to create a globally benchmarked healthcare ecosystem and devise corrective strategies for promoting medical tourism in India.


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How to Cite
Anoop Gurunathan A, & K S Lakshmi. (2024). Delving Into The Themes Pertaining To Indian Medical Tourism: A Critical Evaluation. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 13178–13190.
Author Biographies

Anoop Gurunathan A

MBA (HR & Marketing), FPM Scholar, Dept of Marketing, ISBR Business School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India,


K S Lakshmi

Ph.D in Management, Professor, ISBR College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, ORCID: