Expansion Of Pretrial Authority After The Ruling Of The Constitutional Court

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Djoko Sumaryanto
Apriya Maharani Rustandi
Arief Fahmi Lubis
Erwin Syahruddin
Syahrul Ibad


In the trial process, the pre-trial substance examined is the process of obtaining facts and evidence, which are used as a reference to prove a case that was obtained in an appropriate manner. This research is useful for analyzing and understanding the need for legal aid and the findings in the 2014 Constitutional Court decision, using a normative legal approach which focuses on legal concepts and decision making. This research uses a conceptual and case-based approach, which aims to strengthen the authority of law enforcement agencies beyond just legitimacy. arrest and detention extended to search and confiscation. In conclusion, in a pre-trial hearing, the substance examined is a process of obtaining facts and evidence that can be used as a reference for proving a case, which is obtained in an appropriate manner. The process of obtaining evidence is very important to realize legal certainty that is fair to the protection of human rights.


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How to Cite
Yahman, Djoko Sumaryanto, Apriya Maharani Rustandi, Arief Fahmi Lubis, Erwin Syahruddin, & Syahrul Ibad. (2024). Expansion Of Pretrial Authority After The Ruling Of The Constitutional Court. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 9804–9810. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4657
Author Biographies


Bhayangkara University Surabaya Indonesia Orchid Id 0000-0002-5424-8373

Djoko Sumaryanto

 Faculty of Law, Bhayangkara University Surabaya Orchid Id 0009-0003-0379-6083

Apriya Maharani Rustandi

 Indonesian University of Education Orchid Id 0009-0008-0439-9502

Arief Fahmi Lubis

 Military Law School (STHM) Jakarta Orchid Id 0009-0008-9506-7545

Erwin Syahruddin

Bhayangkara University, Greater Jakarta Orchid Id 0009-0003-3546-9714

Syahrul Ibad

sinbad.sit@gmail.com , Ibrahimy University Orchid Id 0000-0003-3875-4732