Gamifying Learning for Enhanced Attention: Empowering Students with Learning Disabilities through Competence, Intrinsic Motivation, and Technology Acceptance

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Abdallatif Alramammnh
Obaid Al-Sabayleh
Ra’fat Al-Shibly
Hanada Abzakh
Mohammad Sakarneh
Ali Alawamreh


This research delves into an investigation of how students with learning disabilities interact with gamified learning technology, particularly focusing on their attention patterns. Furthermore, it examines the impact of factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, intrinsic motivation, and competence on these attention patterns. This study emphasizes the value of competence and intrinsic motivation in improving students with learning disabilities' attention when utilizing this educational technology. The favorable effects of intrinsic motivation and competence on attention levels highlight the significance of individual interest and competency in gamification-assisted learning. These results highlight the demand for specialized gamification-learning technology solutions that take into account the varied needs of this student population and guarantee that perceived usability corresponds to real usability. It is crucial to appreciate the importance of personal desire and skill in sustaining focus during technology-based learning. Ultimately, this study offers insightful information for the creation of inclusive and successful educational resources for students with learning disabilities.


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How to Cite
Abdallatif Alramammnh, Obaid Al-Sabayleh, Ra’fat Al-Shibly, Hanada Abzakh, Mohammad Sakarneh, & Ali Alawamreh. (2024). Gamifying Learning for Enhanced Attention: Empowering Students with Learning Disabilities through Competence, Intrinsic Motivation, and Technology Acceptance. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2020–2031.
Author Biographies

Abdallatif Alramammnh

Al-Balqa Applied University, jordan

Obaid Al-Sabayleh

Al-Balqa Applied University, jordan

Ra’fat Al-Shibly

Arab University College Of Technology, Amman, Jordan,

Hanada Abzakh

Al-Balqa Applied University, jordan

Mohammad Sakarneh

Al-Balqa Applied University, jordan

Ali Alawamreh

Zarqa University, jordan