Study Of Security Threats Of Drug Trafficking In Middle East Countries

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Reza Eltiyami Nia
Amir Dorg
Sayyed Hamdaleh Akwani


Today, the phenomenon of drug trafficking is an international problem that most societies are involved in, and in other words. This research is applied and its method is based on descriptive-analytical method. For the statistical and graphical analysis of patterns of drug trafficking distribution centers in the Middle East using the statistical methods of mean center, standard deviation ellipse and clustering tests including the nearest neighbor and kernel density estimation method and also to investigate the effect of drug centers on national security indicators (security index) economic, military security, social security, political security) at the regional level, spatial regression will be used in GIS. The results obtained from the OLS model in this research showed that the independent variable of economic security with a coefficient value of 0.562 had the greatest and most positive influence on the spatial distribution of drugs. After that, the variables of military security with a coefficient of 0.427, social security with a coefficient of 0.157, respectively, have had the greatest impact in estimating the impact of drug security indicators. The environmental variable had the least relationship with drugs with a coefficient of 0.095.


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How to Cite
Reza Eltiyami Nia, Amir Dorg, & Sayyed Hamdaleh Akwani. (2024). Study Of Security Threats Of Drug Trafficking In Middle East Countries. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 10244–10255.
Author Biographies

Reza Eltiyami Nia

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran, 

Amir Dorg

M.A in Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Hamadan University, Hamadan, Iran.

Sayyed Hamdaleh Akwani

Associate Professor Department of Political Science, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran.