The Commercial World Of The Tamils Before The Arrival Of The Portugues

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Pajisha M


Considerably weakened from this it can be seen that a single world system depended on different aspects for its existence at different times. The first phase of world economy capitalism on the coast of Tamil Nadu started from about the tenth century and lasted until the thirteenth century. This is discussed in detail later in this article. As mentioned earlier, the Tamil Nadu medieval rulers focused exclusively on increasing their government revenue by attracting foreign traders. Along with foreign trade, domestic trade also began to flourish in Tamil areas. From this point of view, it would be right to study how the Portuguese rulers in Europe initially penetrated the trade in the Tamil areas in the name of the king and then allowed private traders in the growing trade. It is interesting to research the Portuguese establishing their rule over the sea and their control over the ports, merchants and cargo on the coast of Tamil Nadu. How the Portuguese suddenly invaded the Tamil Nadu coast, and how they attracted Muslim and Hindu traders into their trade, and how the advantages of fitting them into the pre-existing trade network operating along the Tamil Nadu coast, are examined closely here.


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How to Cite
Pajisha M, & Dr.K.S.Soumya. (2024). The Commercial World Of The Tamils Before The Arrival Of The Portugues. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 10341–10346.
Author Biographies

Pajisha M

Ph.D Research Scholar,


Assistant Professor