"Transforming Education: Exploring Leadership Dynamics And Teachers’ Performance In 21st Century Schools”

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Kavitha K
Roohi Kursheed Khan S
Sana Saima
Sahana B S


The study explores the critical role educators play in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through education. Education is a powerful force for social change because it gives students the self-assurance they need to take an active role in the advancement of their country. This study provides insight into examining several facets of transformational leadership and how it affects the teacher-student dynamics. The study is descriptive in nature of the research design and investigates the relationship between transformational leadership and teacher performance in schools across Bangalore, India. Simple random sampling was employed to select 123 teachers from various schools, representing diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and geographic locations within the city.  The results show a significant positive correlation between teacher performance and transformational leadership. In addition, the study reveals differences in gender and experience based on the teachers’ perception towards the principals’ leadership style.  The findings contribute to understanding leadership dynamics emphasizing the need for effective leadership practices to support teachers’ performance and achieve sustainable development goals. Thus, the study suggests best practices that create the ideal learning environment in schools and improve learning outcomes for students in the twenty-first century contributing towards educational leadership.


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How to Cite
Kavitha K, Roohi Kursheed Khan S, Sana Saima, & Sahana B S. (2024). "Transforming Education: Exploring Leadership Dynamics And Teachers’ Performance In 21st Century Schools”. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 9671–9683. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i4.4826
Author Biographies

Kavitha K

School of Commerce & Management Studies, Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, India


Roohi Kursheed Khan S

School of Commerce & Management Studies, Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, India


Sana Saima

CMS, JAIN (deemed-to-be) University, Bengaluru, India,

Sahana B S

CMS, JAIN (deemed-to-be) University, Bengaluru, India,