What Could People Expect After National And Provincial Government Elections In South Africa In 2024

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Dr. Zamokuhle Mbandlwa


South Africa, a nation marked by its complex socio-political history, is poised for significant changes following the upcoming national and provincial government elections in 2024. The political landscape, shaped by historical challenges, demands a thorough examination of the potential impacts on governance, social dynamics, and economic development.

Purpose of the Paper: This research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the expectations and potential outcomes in the aftermath of the 2024 national and provincial government elections in South Africa. By delving into key aspects such as political shifts, policy changes, and societal implications, the paper seeks to offer valuable insights into the trajectory of the nation's future.

Objectives: To evaluate the political landscape and identify major shifts in power dynamics post the 2024 elections. To assess potential policy changes at the national and provincial levels and their implications on governance and public welfare. To analyse the socio-economic impacts of the election outcomes on various sectors, including education, healthcare, and economic development. To explore the role of emerging political parties and their influence on the overall political scenario.

Findings: The research findings reveal a dynamic political landscape characterized by shifts in power structures, coalition formations, and the emergence of new political voices. Analysis of policy changes indicates potential shifts in governance strategies, with implications for key sectors such as education and healthcare. Socio-economic impacts highlight the need for adaptive strategies to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities presented by the election outcomes. The role of emerging political parties is found to be significant in shaping the post-election political discourse.

Conclusion: As South Africa stands at the crossroads of political transition, this paper provides valuable insights into the anticipated outcomes of the 2024 national and provincial government elections. The findings underscore the importance of adaptability in addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities in the evolving socio-political landscape. The research aims to contribute to informed decision-making by stakeholders, policymakers, and the public in navigating the post-election landscape and steering the nation towards sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Dr. Zamokuhle Mbandlwa. (2024). What Could People Expect After National And Provincial Government Elections In South Africa In 2024. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 11449–11457. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4953
Author Biography

Dr. Zamokuhle Mbandlwa

Department of Public Administration and Economics, the Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa