Challenges Faced By Parents Of Intellectually Disabled Children Of Rural And Urban Areas.

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Ms. Nita Vaghela
Dr. Satish Kumar Bodla


Intellectual disabilities present unique challenges for parents, and these challenges can be even more pronounced in rural and urban areas. In rural areas, parents encounter limited access to specialized healthcare and educational resources. The lack of trained professionals and facilities for early intervention and assessment can delay the identification and diagnosis of intellectual disabilities. This delay often hampers the child's potential for early intervention and appropriate educational support, leading to long-term setbacks in their development. Furthermore, the scarcity of awareness programs and support networks in rural areas leaves parents feeling isolated, with limited access to guidance and support from other families facing similar challenges. The stigma associated with intellectual disabilities can also be more prevalent in rural communities, further isolating families and inhibiting the acceptance and inclusion of their children. On the other hand, parents in urban areas face a different set of challenges. While they may have relatively easier access to healthcare and educational resources, they often struggle with financial constraints. Specialized services and therapies can be costly, and not all families can afford them, leading to a disparity in the quality and level of care received by intellectually disabled children. Urban areas also tend to have a faster-paced lifestyle, which can add additional stress and strain on parents. Juggling work, caregiving responsibilities, and attending therapy sessions can be overwhelming for parents, leaving them with limited time for self-care or spending quality time with their child. The pressure to meet societal expectations and norms can further exacerbate these challenges. In both rural and urban areas, parents face challenges related to the lack of inclusive educational opportunities for their intellectually disabled children. Limited access to mainstream schools and inadequate inclusion support within existing educational systems can hinder the child's social and academic growth. This can ultimately limit their potential for independence and integration into society.


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How to Cite
Ms. Nita Vaghela, & Dr. Satish Kumar Bodla. (2024). Challenges Faced By Parents Of Intellectually Disabled Children Of Rural And Urban Areas. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 11483–11490.
Author Biographies

Ms. Nita Vaghela

Research Scholar, Faculty of Social Work, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, 

Dr. Satish Kumar Bodla

Research, Guide and Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,