Composite Stock Price Index (Ihsg) Analysis

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Heri Sasono
Irwan Moridu
Pudjo Irianto
Chamdun Hahmudi
Sri Yuliati
Legowo Dwi Resihono


The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) is a picture of a country's economy and always fluctuates from year to year. The main aim of this research is to see what factors influence the JCI movement in Indonesia for the period 2008 to 2022.

The analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis with t test and Anova test with SPSS software version 26.

The result turns out that only the LQ45 Index variable has a significant effect on the IHSG, while the other variables do not have a significant effect. Simultaneously independent variables; inflation, economic growth, LQ45, JII, SBI, Dollar Exchange Rate and Gini Index have a significant influence on the IHSG in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Heri Sasono, Irwan Moridu, Pudjo Irianto, Chamdun Hahmudi, Sri Yuliati, & Legowo Dwi Resihono. (2024). Composite Stock Price Index (Ihsg) Analysis. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 11596–11602.
Author Biographies

Heri Sasono

Postgraduate Program, STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia (CA)

Irwan Moridu

Faculty of Economic and Business. Muhammadiyah University, Luwuk, Indonesia

Pudjo Irianto

Management Program, STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia

Chamdun Hahmudi

Accounting Program, STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sri Yuliati

Politeknik Pratama Mulia, Surakarta, Indonesia

Legowo Dwi Resihono

Politeknik Pratama Mulia, Surakarta, Indonesia

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