The Current Ethics And Civilisation In Bajau Society Today

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Nordiana Binti Mosum
Mohd Yuszaidy Mohd Yusoff


The construction and progress of a nation is parallel to the ability of its people to form a better civilisation. Progress can be referred to the harmony of life, a good education system, infrastructure facilities, well-being and health of the population. The indigenous Bajau community has begun to adapt developments from time to time and form a better civilization without having to erode their cultural heritage. The objective of this study is to explain how the Bajau community interacts towards diversity and facing challenges of the new millennium. Based on the requirements of this study, the appreciation of the concept of ethics and civilization is used as a guide in order to support the assessment and to achieve the objectives of this study. This study uses an ethnographic approach. The ethnographic approach uses field research methods such as observation, participation and interview techniques to collect data. This field study was conducted in Kampung Taun Gusi, Kota Belud, Sabah. A semi-structured interview technique was used to obtain consistent data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with influential individuals such as the Head of Natives who is the Head of Bajau Ethnic Customs in Kampung Taun Gusi. This study is also supported with secondary data through literature review. The results of this study found that the Bajau community in Sabah is able to form ethics and civilization equal to the progress according to the passage of time. This writing attempts to explain the process of the formation of ethics and civilisation in Bajau society. Then, analyse the impact of ethics and civilization among the Bajau community. It cannot be denied the fact is that the Bajau community in Kampung Taun Gusi, Kota Belud is able to develop better from various aspects each day with the birth of more generations of intellectual Bajau natives who elevate their socio-culture, way of life and the superiority of their ethnic heritage to be more effective and sustainable .


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How to Cite
Nordiana Binti Mosum, & Mohd Yuszaidy Mohd Yusoff. (2024). The Current Ethics And Civilisation In Bajau Society Today. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 11907–11913.
Author Biographies

Nordiana Binti Mosum

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Mohd Yuszaidy Mohd Yusoff

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia