Understanding The Learning Habits Of English Major Undergraduates Towards The Literature Component In Improving English Language Learning

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Muhammad Mursyid Mohd Zaini
Muhamad Khairul ZakariaWan
Zulkifli Wan Kassim
Noor Azida Ab. Wahab
Azlinda Abd Aziz
Nur Arfah Abdul Sabian


In the Malaysian education system, English language learning takes place as a Second language as it is a former British colony. Before this, the English language becomes a major part of the country's written and spoken language. In line with the educational policy to produce more proficient English learners, an English literature component is introduced, be it at the primary, secondary, or tertiary level. This study sets out to determine the perception of the use of English literature components in improving English language learning among its learners. A survey questionnaire was distributed to respondents from tertiary education to see the significance and effects of the subject matter. The primary findings reveal that the respondents possessed good learning habits where they showed a good frequency in reading English literature materials.  They believed that the integration of the English literature component has effectively elevated their English language proficiency. Adding to the findings, the informants also have a positive attitude toward learning English as the literature components react as a medium for the students to explore a new range of genres and foreign cultures. As a whole, the inception of literature in the stated mainstream education curriculum has experienced rich results due to its significance in the learning process. It somehow must be given a new paradigm not only to tackle the issue of mastering the language but also to offer behavioral models that will contribute to learners’ fulfillment in exploring the internal world of human life.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Mursyid Mohd Zaini, Muhamad Khairul ZakariaWan, Zulkifli Wan Kassim, Noor Azida Ab. Wahab, Azlinda Abd Aziz, & Nur Arfah Abdul Sabian. (2024). Understanding The Learning Habits Of English Major Undergraduates Towards The Literature Component In Improving English Language Learning. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 9–19. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5091
Author Biographies

Muhammad Mursyid Mohd Zaini

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,

Muhamad Khairul ZakariaWan


Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,

Zulkifli Wan Kassim

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,

Noor Azida Ab. Wahab

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Azlinda Abd Aziz

Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia,

Nur Arfah Abdul Sabian

Al Bukhary International University