“Happiness Curriculum: A Project Based Learning Approach”

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Tannu Ajmani
Dr. Tarun Deep Kaur


Dr. Siggie once said: “Your child is unable to guide you into their state of disorder; instead, it is your responsibility to guide them out of it”.

 Globally, school institutions are seeing an upsurge in cases of student stress and pressure. The current generation of students is unable to focus, due to the immense amount of pressure they are under. Consequently, individuals start cramming, which has negative effects on their memory recall, understanding, and problem-solving skills, among others. There is an immediate need for educational institutions to find alternative methods that might lessen students' stress, worry, and pressure. PBL: project based learning, stands as an example. Students are encouraged to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world circumstances using an educational approach called "project-based learning" (PBL). Instead of students sitting quietly and absorbing information as is the case in traditional classrooms, students in participatory learning environments are actively involved in the learning process. Authorities at the highest levels are also conscious of the requirement of preparing students for life beyond the classroom and are continually enacting regulations that will facilitate the rise of project-based learning as an influential component of students' educational experiences. The Happiness Curriculum is one such policy. The Delhi government introduced a "happiness curriculum" (KG–8) in public schools in 2018. Mr. Manish Sisodia, our education minister, and Delhi's chief minister, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, recognized the value of having happy people. The curriculum promotes self-awareness, cognitive skills, and mental wellness, lowers stress and anxiety, and prepares them for the next generation. The researcher's goal is to determine whether and how the Happiness Curriculum, a form of project-based learning, may alleviate children's stress and anxiety while simultaneously preparing them for the challenges of the future. The research will be qualitative because the data will be descriptive and easy to draw inferences from. The researcher consulted secondary materials like books, journals, and websites on these factors.  Because it will promote education, it will be educational research.


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How to Cite
Tannu Ajmani, & Dr. Tarun Deep Kaur. (2024). “Happiness Curriculum: A Project Based Learning Approach”. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 646–650. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.5115
Author Biographies

Tannu Ajmani

Research scholar, Manav Rachna University.

Dr. Tarun Deep Kaur

Assistant Professor, Manav Rachna University.