The Multilevel Mediating Effects Of Teacher Training And Extension Courses On The Relationships Among Teacher Support, Motivation, And Self-Efficacy In Mathematics.

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Sakulkarn Waleeittipat
Parichat Pitisutti


Mathematics is fundamental knowledge that students can adopt on a regular basis as well as in future careers. It also allows students to think systematically and rationally, enhancing problem-solving skills (OECD., 2023). The current research aimed to 1) analyze multilevel mediating effects of teacher training and extension courses on the relationships among teacher support, motivation, and self-efficacy in mathematics. 2) study instruction to enhance motivation and self-efficacy in mathematics. Secondary data were adopted from PISA 2022, in the study of 6,196 students in Thailand who studied in 280 schools of all types. The data were then analyzed using MSEM by the Mplus program. The results revealed that the structural equation model of multilevel mediating effects of teacher training and extension courses on the relationships among teacher support, motivation, and self-efficacy in mathematics had a good fit with the empirical data. The statistical values were (χ2(1, N=6196)=3.48, p=0.062, CFI=0. 0.997, TLI=0.980, RMSEA=0.020). The student-level model had full mediation in which teacher support had an indirect effect via motivation with a statistical significance of .05 and motivation had a direct effect on self-efficacy with a statistical significance of .05. In the school-level model, it was discovered that teacher training and extension courses had a direct effect on self-efficacy and motivation with no statistical significance of .05 and the participants of all instructions had higher averages for motivation and self-efficacy than those of non-participants.


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How to Cite
Sakulkarn Waleeittipat, & Parichat Pitisutti. (2024). The Multilevel Mediating Effects Of Teacher Training And Extension Courses On The Relationships Among Teacher Support, Motivation, And Self-Efficacy In Mathematics. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 104–110.
Author Biographies

Sakulkarn Waleeittipat

Learning Institute, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand

Parichat Pitisutti

Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Thailand.