Engineering Graduate Salary Prediction System

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Ajay Talele
Shripad Wattamwar
Ranjeet Thopte
Onkar Waghmode
Vasu Mahajan


 This paper introduces the Engineering Graduate Salary Prediction System, an innovative web-based application employing linear regression to forecast the salaries of engineering graduates with a high degree of accuracy. By integrating a wide range of parameters including academic performance, gender, college details, and specialization, the system offers tailored salary estimations, providing invaluable insights into the financial outlook for engineering professionals. Through rigorous model training and comprehensive experimental evaluations, the system's effectiveness in predicting salaries is demonstrated, highlighting its potential as a vital resource for both graduates and employers in the engineering sector. The system's user-friendly interface and transparent methodology enhance its usability as a decision-support tool, empowering graduates to make informed career choices and negotiate equitable compensation packages. Furthermore, by facilitating a more transparent and efficient hiring process, the system contributes to fostering a fair and competitive job market within the engineering industry. Overall, this research represents a significant step forward in the field of salary prediction, offering practical solutions to address the evolving needs of engineering graduates in today's dynamic employment landscape.


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How to Cite
Ajay Talele, Shripad Wattamwar, Ranjeet Thopte, Onkar Waghmode, & Vasu Mahajan. (2024). Engineering Graduate Salary Prediction System. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 123–131.
Author Biographies

Ajay Talele

Department of E&TC Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute Of TechnologyPune, India

Shripad Wattamwar

Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology Pune, India

Ranjeet Thopte

Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology Pune, India 

Onkar Waghmode

Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology Pune, India

Vasu Mahajan

Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology Pune, India