Legal Architecture Of Child Rights In India: Bridging National Legislation With International Standards

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Vemuri Venkata Sarvaani
Dr J Pratima
Dr Pamarthi Satyanarayana
J Lakshmi Charan
M.Murali Krishna
J .Krishna Charan


The legal framework surrounding child rights in India represents a complex tapestry woven from a blend of national legislation and international standards. This abstract delves into the intricate nuances of the legal architecture governing child rights in the Indian context, aiming to elucidate the crucial interplay between domestic laws and global benchmarks. In India, the foundation of child rights is laid out in a myriad of statutes, with the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, serving as the cornerstone. However, this domestic legal framework is intricately interwoven with international conventions and treaties that India has ratified, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The challenge lies in bridging the gaps between these national laws and global standards to ensure a comprehensive and harmonized protection of children's rights. A critical analysis of the legal landscape reveals both strengths and weaknesses. On one hand, India has made significant strides in aligning its legislation with international norms, showcasing its commitment to the welfare of its youngest citizens. On the other hand, challenges persist in the effective implementation and enforcement of these laws, creating a disjuncture between legal provisions and the ground reality. This abstract seeks to contribute to the scholarly discourse on child rights by providing a comprehensive overview of the legal landscape in India. By exploring the convergence and divergence between national laws and international standards, this research aims to inform policymakers, legal practitioners, and academics about the existing gaps and potential areas for improvement in the legal architecture safeguarding the rights of children in India.


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How to Cite
Vemuri Venkata Sarvaani, Dr J Pratima, Dr Pamarthi Satyanarayana, J Lakshmi Charan, M.Murali Krishna, & J .Krishna Charan. (2024). Legal Architecture Of Child Rights In India: Bridging National Legislation With International Standards. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 170–179.
Author Biographies

Vemuri Venkata Sarvaani

Phd Research Scholar, Gitam Deemed To Be University Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh.

Dr J Pratima

Associate Professor & Research  guide, Gitam Deemed To Be University Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh.

Dr Pamarthi Satyanarayana

Assistant Professor, , Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Law,  School of Law,Avadi,Chennai.

J Lakshmi Charan

Assistant Professor, Mahindra University,  School of Law, Hyderabad, Telangana,  E-mail:

M.Murali Krishna

Research Scholar, Department of  Law,   Dr B.R.Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, AP, India.

J .Krishna Charan

Assistant Professor, Department of Law,School of Law, Vel Tech University 

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