Building Bridges of Inclusion: Trust, Job Engagement, Match, And Commitment in Workforce Diversity Management

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Sathyanarayana S
Hema Harsha


Purpose: The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between diversity management practices in Indian IT sector and their impact on job engagement and job commitment meditated through organisational openness and organisational trust. Furthermore, the study aims to explore the indirect effect of organisational openness on job commitment, moderated by organisational trust as a moderator variable.

Design/Methodology/Approach: To achieve the stated objectives, the researchers have hypothesized a structural model and prepared a structured questionnaire, which was pre-tested and administered to 558 respondents in Indian IT sector. The collected data was collated by using SPSS and Amos software. Initially, the collected data was tested for various assumptions, subsequently, the structural equation model was run to test the stated hypothesis of the study. 

Findings: Diversity management shares positive and significant relationship with personnel job match, environment of trust and job engagement. Further we found a significant mediation between diversity management and job engagement through personnel job match, and between diversity management and job engagement through environment of trust prevailing in the organisation. In addition, we found a significant relationship between job engagement and job commitment. 

Research contributions: By addressing these aims, the current study can provide theoretical and valuable understanding into the relationship between diversity management practices, job engagement, job commitment and the mediating role of organisational trust and openness system. By examining these interrelationships, the research is expected to contribute to the existing knowledge on effective diversity management strategies and offer managerial implications for firms aiming to create a conducive, inclusive, and engaging a diverse workplace. Further, by conducting rigorous data analysis, the study can provide actual evidence to support the effects of diversity management practices on employee work engagement and job commitment. 

Originality and value: The current empirical study’s originality lies in unveiling the composite relationship between organisational openness, diversity management practices, organisational trust, and job commitment. By demonstrating that the indirect effect of organisational openness on job commitment mediated through diversity management is further moderated through organisational trust atmosphere, the study highlights a nuanced and multi-faceted mechanism that contributes to employee’s commitment in the workplace. 


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How to Cite
Sathyanarayana S, Hema Harsha, & Sandhya. (2024). Building Bridges of Inclusion: Trust, Job Engagement, Match, And Commitment in Workforce Diversity Management. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 12439–12462.
Author Biographies

Sathyanarayana S

Professor & Principal, MPBIM

Hema Harsha

Associate Professor, MPBIM                          


Student, MPBIM