Confluence Of Expression: A Study Of Language And Literature Through Kalighat Chronicles

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Debbarna Mukherjee
Dr Khushboo Kumari


Art, literature, music and other intellectual expressions of a particular society are together regarded as the culture of that society. Ideas, customs and social behavior of a particular people or society are also its ‘culture’. Contrary to what we think, it is not easy to describe ‘culture’, nor is it easy to write the cultural history. Writing the history of Bengali culture is even more difficult because Bengali society is truly plural in its nature, made even more so by its political division. The two main religious communities that share this culture are often more aware of the differences between them than the similarities. Nonetheless, the people remain bound by history and a shared language and literature. In this background Kalighat Painting as a folk culture represent the interconnection of society and culture.

Kalighat painting, originating in the Kalighat area of Kolkata, India, during the 19th century, provides a unique insight into colonial India's social, cultural, and political aspects. This artistic form emerged as a response to the changing socio-economic dynamics under British colonial rule.

Literature and culture of that era often reflected and drew inspiration from Kalighat paintings, showcasing the daily life, customs, beliefs, and transformations occurring in society. Some literature of the time, especially Bengal Renaissance literature, incorporated themes, motifs, and narratives from Kalighat paintings to depict the societal changes, cultural amalgamation, and the impact of colonialism.

Writers like Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and Rabindranath Tagore, among others, were influenced by the themes depicted in Kalighat paintings, using these narratives in their works to comment on societal issues, women's roles, religious practices, and the clash between tradition and modernity in colonial India.

These paintings and their cultural influence also found their way into the performing arts, influencing theater, dance, and other visual arts of the time, contributing to a vibrant cultural landscape that encapsulated the essence of colonial India's complexities and transformations.


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How to Cite
Debbarna Mukherjee, & Dr Khushboo Kumari. (2024). Confluence Of Expression: A Study Of Language And Literature Through Kalighat Chronicles. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 1174–1179.
Author Biographies

Debbarna Mukherjee


Research Scholar, Sharda University, History Dept, Sharda School of Humanities & Social Sciences, SSHSS, Greater Noida

Dr Khushboo Kumari

Assistant Professor, History Dept., Sharda School of Humanities & Social Sciences, SSHSS, Greater Noida