HR Practices & Policies: Its Importance With Special Reference To Employee Engagement Practice At ACC Limited, Bangalore

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Dr. Roopa Temkar V
Ms. Priya Rudrawadi


Human resource functions are no longer particular functions, merely confined to the human resource or personnel department. The management of human resources is the responsibility of every manager in the present competitive business scenario. It is almost a fact that most of the problems in an organization are human related, since human being is active, complex and highly sensitive to environment. Managing the human resource in any organization is consequently a challenging task, unless the organization learns to tune human resources, success will be elusive. The most important responsibilities associated with human resource management include: job analysis and staffing, organization and utilization of work force, measurement and appraisal of work force performance, implementation of reward systems for employees, professional growth of workers, and maintenance of work force. The lack of studies that cover the topic of Human Resources Management could affect the development strategy of any nation, and without proper studies in this field may contribute to weakening the overall performance of hospitals. For that reason, this study attempt to analyze the main articles and literatures with empirical research that discussed the role of HRM  in health care sector and attempt to find the common points of previous studies with look upon to HRM. The findings of the study majorly influence the crucial factors, comprising compensation and benefits, opportunities for career progression, balancing work and personal life, organizational culture, and leadership, hold substantial sway over employee attrition and retention. Organizations that effectively manage these aspects and foster an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and have pathways for development are more apt to retain their high-caliber employees. Employing strategies such as competitive compensation structures, extensive employee development programs, actions that enhance work-life balance, nurturing a positive culture, and investing in leadership enhancement collectively contribute to diminishing attrition rates and enhancing employee retention.


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How to Cite
Dr. Roopa Temkar V, & Ms. Priya Rudrawadi. (2024). HR Practices & Policies: Its Importance With Special Reference To Employee Engagement Practice At ACC Limited, Bangalore. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 12507–12528.
Author Biographies

Dr. Roopa Temkar V

Associate Professor, Dept. of MBA, SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore

Ms. Priya Rudrawadi

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Architecture, P.D.A College of Engineering, Kalaburgi