The Intersection Of Literature And Politics: Exploring Restoration Literature And Its Influence On 17th Century Society

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Jeremiah Pame


The Restoration era of English history typically refers to the period from 1660 to about 1700.  This period was marked by an unprecedented degree of political, social, and cultural upheaval in England. This paper examines the intersection area of literature and politics during the unstable period of the 17th century, and what aspects of seventeenth-century change are depicted as well as how Restoration literature is impacted by these changes. The analysis of famous writers includes poems, essays, diaries, and theatrical works as subjects of discussion and evaluation.  The study aims to reveal the differences among the socio-political themes that led to their current position in society.  By contrast one of the main topics is the tension between the monarchy and the parliamentary authorities as well as the cross-cutting of the traditional gender roles and the slavish repaint of the society's image. The literary works after the Puritan government ended would be the trend to revive arts and intellectuality, which would result from writers trying the rules they could not follow over the Puritans to see what is trivial or interesting to them. These prominent writers, including John Dryden, Aphra Behn, and Delarivier Manley, were fearless challengers of the norms and ideologies of their times through their works, which led to new discourse channels on politics and culture. Political philosophers such as James Harrington and Algernon Sidney were engaged in a struggle between absolute monarchies and constitutional limitations.  Their ideas which many people came to embrace became an important factor in the development of modern democracy.  Finally, in node, Restoration literature was a powerful medium that not only reflects the deep-seated complexities of modern society but also acted as an instrument of social change. The alliance of literature and politics in that era shows the true power of creative expression on historical accounts and social constructs; providing a patrimonial that still engages today.


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How to Cite
Jeremiah Pame. (2024). The Intersection Of Literature And Politics: Exploring Restoration Literature And Its Influence On 17th Century Society. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 12675–12680.
Author Biography

Jeremiah Pame

University of Delhi, India