Exploring Consumer Perceptions and Preferences towards Electric Vehicles in the Contemporary Automobile Market: A Study of Karnataka

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Sharath Kumar Y


This research explores consumer perceptions and preferences towards electric vehicles (EVs) in the contemporary automobile market in Karnataka. Against the backdrop of a transformative shift in the automotive industry toward sustainable alternatives, particularly EVs, our study explores the multifaceted factors shaping individual choices. Through demographic analysis, we discern notable trends, including a generational shift in preference and a gender divide. The study unveils a high level of consumer awareness and a strong inclination toward EVs, emphasizing environmental considerations as key influencers in buying behavior. Factors such as cost savings, vehicle performance, and brand recognition play pivotal roles in shaping EV preferences. This research provides nuanced insights crucial for manufacturers, policymakers, and researchers navigating the dynamic landscape of the evolving EV market.


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How to Cite
Sharath Kumar Y. (2024). Exploring Consumer Perceptions and Preferences towards Electric Vehicles in the Contemporary Automobile Market: A Study of Karnataka. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 579–582. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5266
Author Biography

Sharath Kumar Y

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, Amrita Vishwavidyapeetam Deemed University Mysuru Campus, Karnataka, India