An Investigation Of Teachers' Views On School Administrators' Competencies For Special Education

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Abdulbaki KARACA


The aim of this study is to examine teachers' views on school administrators' competencies on special education. The research was designed with the interview method, one of the qualitative research methods. The participants in the study were 20 teachers working in schools with students with special needs in Turkiye in the 2023-2024 academic year. The research data were obtained through a semi-structured interview form. The data obtained from the participants were analyzed using the content analysis technique. According to the teachers' evaluations, school administrators may inadequately provide and manage the necessary resources for special education programmes. Most teachers stated that administrators do not make extra efforts beyond the facilities and materials provided by the state institutions. Although it is clear in some cases that administrators exhibit caring and conscious approaches, it is highlighted that they may be slow and inadequate in determining special education processes and needs in general.  Therefore, comprehensive training programmes on special education should be organized for school administrators and these programmes should be updated regularly. To improve the management skills of administrators concerning special education, feedback from teachers and parents should be taken into account.


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How to Cite
Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Abdulbaki KARACA. (2024). An Investigation Of Teachers’ Views On School Administrators’ Competencies For Special Education. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 626–634.
Author Biography

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Abdulbaki KARACA

Inonu University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education