Psychological Dating Violence And Its Effect On Mental Health Among Nursing Students

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Ms.Ritika Tandon
Ms. Ashma Sharma
Ms. Chaitali Shankar


Introduction: Psychological abuse encompasses the systematic and intentional utilization of various verbal and non-physical tactics aimed at exerting control, inflicting harm, weakening, or instilling fear in an individual's mental and emotional state.
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the level of psychological dating violence among selected nursing students, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana, to determine the effect of psychological dating violence on mental health among selected nursing students and to seek the relationship between the level of psychological dating violence and its effect on mental health in terms of depression among selected nursing students.
Methodology: The quantitative research approach was adopted for the study with a descriptive cross-sectional research design and total enumeration sampling technique. The sample of the present study comprised of 136 nursing students studying in B.Sc and GNM first year, in a selected college of nursing, SGT University. The data was collected through Structured psychological dating violence scale and Beck’s Depression inventory. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data.
Results: The study findings revealed that the majority of the nursing students i.e., 100(73.5%) were having mild violence, 32(23.5%) were having no psychological dating violence, More than half of the subjects i.e., (72.1%) were having minimal depression and 16 (11.8%) were having severe level of depression and there was a moderate positive and statistically significant relationship (r=0.566, p<0.001) between psychological dating violence and depression among nursing students.
Conclusion: It important to Strengthen guidance and counselling departments in educational institutions, which necessary to facilitate proper referrals and the early identification of psychological problems in adolescents and college students


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How to Cite
Ms.Parul, Ms.Ritika Tandon, Ms. Ashma Sharma, & Ms. Chaitali Shankar. (2024). Psychological Dating Violence And Its Effect On Mental Health Among Nursing Students. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 667–671.
Author Biographies


(PG Tutor), Department Of  Mental Health Nursing, Faculty Of Nursing, SGT University, Haryana

Ms.Ritika Tandon

(PG Tutor), Department Of Mental Health Nursing, Faculty Of Nursing, SGT University, Haryana

Ms. Ashma Sharma

Assistant Professor, Batra College Of Nursing,Delhi

Ms. Chaitali Shankar

Tutor (Salokya College Of Nursing), Delhi