Significance of Customer Engagement in Retail Banking Industry

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Manoj A. Thomas
S. Susila


The Indian lender customers are currently left with infinite choices of retail goods and with increasing expectations. Within this circumstance the bankers need to fit with the expectations of their customers far better. This situation has direct the bankers to concentrate attention on customer relationship management, to possess the customers as partners; that consequently direct the bankers maintain functionality for an interval and to do. The customer relationship in banking throws open numerous problems and these problems have triggered the researcher to take this up research.

The topics identified comprise, affects leading to relationship building, sustaining the relationship and influences resulting in dissolution of relationship. The understanding of impacts, differ between the lender customers and bank officials. A comprehension of these impacts would clearly contribute towards coming in relationship building approaches and misunderstanding of these influences resulting in improper relationship plans. And, this is apparently the point in customer relationship building in retail banking and the exact same is recognized using these aims as the issue for the analysis.


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How to Cite
Manoj A. Thomas, & S. Susila. (2024). Significance of Customer Engagement in Retail Banking Industry. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 719–731.
Author Biographies

Manoj A. Thomas

Department of Management Studies, PGP College Arts and Science, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India. 637 307 (Affiliated by Periyar University Salem, Tamilnadu, India).

S. Susila

Department of Management Studies, PGP College Arts and Science, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India. 637 307 (Affiliated by Periyar University Salem, Tamilnadu, India).