Effectiveness of Educational Package on Knowledge Regarding the Activities to Be Performed During Labour Process Among Antenatal Mothers

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Sonia Lawai
Helena Nongmeikapam
Ringkangmai Liangkiuwili
Lamnunnem Haokip


Each woman has the innate ability to give birth without external intervention; her ability to embrace the process will determine how well her birth goes. While labor is a natural process, mothers go through incredibly intimate and unique experiences during pregnancy and childbirth.

he studies aimed to evaluate the knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding labor process activities in a selected hospital in Greater Noida, assess the effectiveness of an educational module on these activities, and explore associations with demographic variables. Using a quasi-experimental design with one group pre and post-test, 60 primi-mothers from the OPD and antenatal ward of Sharda Hospital were sampled purposively. A knowledge questionnaire and demographic data were employed, with consent obtained from the hospital's ethical committee. Analysis, based on objectives and hypotheses, utilized descriptive and inferential statistics, finding no significant association between knowledge and demographic variables except for antenatal clinic visits (p<0.05). Majority of antenatal mothers were aged 21-25. Pretest mean score was 12.16 (40.53%), post-test mean score 22.76 (75.87%), showing significant improvement (t=10.18, p<0.05). The study demonstrates the effectiveness of a planned teaching program on labor preparation and management, highlighting pregnant women's capacity to learn through direct instruction. The experimental group showed significantly higher knowledge levels compared to controls, indicating success in enhancing pregnant mothers' knowledge through the educational program


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How to Cite
Sonia Lawai, Helena Nongmeikapam, Ringkangmai Liangkiuwili, & Lamnunnem Haokip. (2024). Effectiveness of Educational Package on Knowledge Regarding the Activities to Be Performed During Labour Process Among Antenatal Mothers. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 12757–12762. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.5316
Author Biographies

Sonia Lawai

Senior Tutor, Sharda School of Nursing Science and Research, Sharda University


Helena Nongmeikapam

Senior Tutor Sharda School of Nursing Science and Research Greater Noida


Ringkangmai Liangkiuwili

Senior Tutor, Sharda School of Nursing Science and Research, Sharda University

Lamnunnem Haokip

Senior Tutor, Sharda School of Nursing Science and Research, Sharda University