Coverage Of G20 Summit 2023: A Comparative Analysis Of ABC News And BBC News Youtube Channels

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Bichitrananda Panda
Dr. Kunnathully Nakulan Kishore


This research presents an analytical study on the coverage of the G20 Summit 2023 by YouTube channels of two prominent news organizations, ABC News and BBC News. In an era marked by the growing influence of digital media, understanding how major news outlets utilize online platforms to report on significant global events is crucial. This study aims to examine the extent and nature of coverage provided by these channels, exploring differences in content focus, tone, and presentation style. The methodology involves content analysis of a sample of videos uploaded by ABC News and BBC News related to the G20 Summit 2023. Utilizing content analysis methods, a diverse range of videos uploaded by both channels during the summit period are scrutinized. The analysis focuses on five key aspects: agenda setting, narrative construction, visual presentation, audience engagement, and editorial stance. The research aims to reveal the differences and similarities in the coverage approaches adopted by ABC News and BBC News. Furthermore, it seeks to explore how these differences may reflect the news organizations' editorial priorities, journalistic standards, and audience targeting strategies. The findings of this study hold significance for media scholars, journalists, policymakers, and the public interested in understanding the dynamics of online news coverage and its implications for shaping public discourse on global affairs. By shedding light on the editorial practices of major news organizations on YouTube, the research contributes to the broader discourse on media representation, agenda setting, and digital journalism in the contemporary media landscape.


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How to Cite
Bichitrananda Panda, & Dr. Kunnathully Nakulan Kishore. (2024). Coverage Of G20 Summit 2023: A Comparative Analysis Of ABC News And BBC News Youtube Channels. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 713–720.
Author Biographies

Bichitrananda Panda

Amity School of Communication, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur

Dr. Kunnathully Nakulan Kishore

Amity School of Communication, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur