Analysis Of Vedic Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) Design For Wireless Applications
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With the rapid progress in the field of wireless communication, the demand for antenna with miniature size and light weight becomes a necessary requirement in today’s world. Most suitable antenna in this category is “Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA)”. In this paper parametric analysis of MPA design structure as per footprint equations, Substrate material, Feeding Techniques and Design parameters are analyzed keeping in view of various Vedic shapes. SSMPA has been recently developed by the researchers which has exhibited improved radiation properties with improved polarization. The design of the SSMPA has been taken from a holy sign in Hindu mythology and has exhibited enhancement in the bandwidth of an MPA. The slots of the SSMPA help in modifying the surface current distribution of the patch. The shape basically helps the charge particles in accelerating and decelerating, which improves the bandwidth and radiation characteristics. Antenna parameters like “Gain, S11 (Return Loss), Bandwidth, Directivity, VSWR” are to be compared for various designs respect to wireless applications. This paper looks at the Swastika and other Vedic shaped MPA and the various advantages of its usage for wireless applications.