Acute And Subacute Oral Toxicity Study Of Aphrodisiac Herbal Formulation In Rats

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Mansi Solanki
Dhruv Dudakiya
Dr. Ravi Manek
U-Liva Nutrition LLP


The objective of this study is to evaluate the acute and subacute toxicity of the of Aphrodisiac Herbal Formulation in albino rats. The acute toxicity was performed where the limit dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight used. Observations were made and recorded for 24 h, and once daily further for a period of 14 days. The rats were weighed and various observations, like mortality, behaviour, injury, or any signs of illness were conducted once daily during the period. For subacute study, four groups of 10 animals (female rats) received 60mg/kg, 120mg/kg and 200mg/kg oral by dissolving in water for 28 days. of freshly-prepared Aphrodisiac Herbal Formulation, respectively, every 24 h orally for 28 days. At the end of each study, haematological analysis and biochemical parameters were evaluated. Histopathological examination of vital organs of the animals were taken for gross findings, compared to controls. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) observed in the relative organs, body weights, haematological, biochemical parameters, and gross abnormalities, compared to the control. No mortality was recorded. Therefore, analysis of results may lead to the conclusion that the medium-term oral administration of the Aphrodisiac Herbal Formulation for 28 days does not cause toxicity. 


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How to Cite
Mansi Solanki, Dhruv Dudakiya, Dr. Ravi Manek, & U-Liva Nutrition LLP. (2023). Acute And Subacute Oral Toxicity Study Of Aphrodisiac Herbal Formulation In Rats. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6(S), 219–237.
Author Biographies

Mansi Solanki

(B.K. Mody Government Pharmacy Collect, Rajkot, India)

Dhruv Dudakiya

(B.K. Mody Government Pharmacy Collect, Rajkot, India)

Dr. Ravi Manek

B.K. Mody Government Pharmacy Collect, Rajkot, India); 

U-Liva Nutrition LLP

B.K. Mody Government Pharmacy Collect, Rajkot, India