Beneficial Effect Of Manilkara Hexandra Extract On Letrozole-Induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) In Female Rats

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Dr. Jignesh I. Patel
Parth N. Surana
Adarsh V. Kevdiya


This study inves gates the therapeu c poten al of the methanolic extract of Manilkara hexandra leaves (MEMH) in managing letrozole-induced polycys c ovary syndrome (PCOS) in female rats. The rats were divided into six groups, with varying letrozole and MEMH doses administered over 66 days. Daily vaginal smears, food, water measurements, and weekly assessments of blood glucose and body weight were conducted. At the study's conclusion, various parameters including hormonal levels, lipid profile, liver profile, and histopathology were evaluated. Letrozole induc on resulted in hormonal imbalance, elevated blood sugar, and lipid levels, mimicking PCOS. Clomiphene citrate, the standard drug, showed posi ve effects. MEMH administra on demonstrated dose-dependent improvements, decreasing testosterone levels, eleva ng progesterone and estrogen, and regula ng glucose and lipid levels. The methanolic extract exhibited poten al therapeu c benefits a ributed to phytoestrogens like querce n and myrice n. The research highlights MEMH's posi ve impact on letrozole-induced PCOS, indica ng its poten al as a novel therapeu c agent for PCOS. 


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How to Cite
Dr. Jignesh I. Patel, Parth N. Surana, & Adarsh V. Kevdiya. (2024). Beneficial Effect Of Manilkara Hexandra Extract On Letrozole-Induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) In Female Rats. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6(S), 250–262. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Dr. Jignesh I. Patel

K.Mody Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot, India. 

Parth N. Surana   

Adarsh V. Kevdiya