Addressing The Improvement Of Mental Health Education And Its Impacts On Academic Achievement Among Werabe University Undergraduate First Year Students.

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Asketil Getachew
Rajendra Kumar Parmar


The aim of the study was to identify the level of Addressing the Improvement of Mental Health Education and its impacts on Academic Achievement among Werabe University undergraduate first year students.  The objectives of the study were to explore the relationship between mental health improvement and academic achievement among werabe university    students and to identify the differences in mental health improvement score for students who have encountered with academic achievements. The study employed cross-sectional quantitative study design. Mental Health improvements and General academic achievements Questionnaire are used in this study. Three hundred sixty eight (368) participants took part in the survey to measure multiple dimensions of mental health literacy and help seeking intention. The level of mental health improvement of undergraduate students was measured through the mean score of their academic achievement. The findings showed that more than half of the participants were unaware of available to mental health improvements services at the student counsel service, and a significant number had no information about academic achievement. Friends (76.7%) were the primary source of information about low academic achievement, followed by university courses. Most participants believed that life stressors (63%) alone could cause different factors. The Mental health improvement training) mean score on the scale indicated a relatively favorable attitude towards academic success. Statistically, there was no significant difference in intentions between genders (p> 0.05). A mean score of the training obtained from the sample is (M=77.08, SD=14.6213.0). The Pearson’s correlation between mental health improvement training and academic success showed a negative, strong correlation (r= -.139). In summary, higher levels of mental health improvement training   were observed among more female students and those who had a previous history of a low achievement. Therefore, implementing interventions that aim to improve the mental health and academic success of students should be a key priority.


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How to Cite
Asketil Getachew, & Rajendra Kumar Parmar. (2024). Addressing The Improvement Of Mental Health Education And Its Impacts On Academic Achievement Among Werabe University Undergraduate First Year Students. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2676–2687.
Author Biographies

Asketil Getachew

Asketil Getachew Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology

Rajendra Kumar Parmar

Assistant Professor from the Department of Psychology, Vadodara Gujrat, India.Parul University Faculty Of Arts, Vadodara Gujrat, India Contact:+919979302475

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