Analysis of Healthy Lifestyle Adherence with Tricky Card Games Based on Social Cognitive Therapy in Elderly People with Hypertension

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Wenny Ino Ischak
Lusiane Adam
Paulus Pangalo


Hypertension is a very common clinical condition in the elderly that can pose a great risk of cardiovascular disease and loss of quality of life. Some elderly people reason that they do not seek treatment directly or go to health services because they avoid interactions with health workers who are likely to have the opportunity to be exposed to Covid-19 and carry diseases that will affect and even aggravate the elderly's illness. If it is still done, it will actually trigger anxiety levels and will greatly affect the blood pressure of the elderly. Tricky card games are one of the new breakthroughs as games that can provide knowledge to the elderly regarding information about hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of tricky card games on lifestyle compliance of elderly people with hypertension based on social cognitive therapy at Putra Mandiri Foundation. Type of pre-experimental research one group pretest posttest. The population is elderly people with hypertension at Putra Mandiri Foundation in 2023 who meet the inclusion criteria, namely cooperative in the research process, and have the ability to read. sampling using purposive sampling. The results showed that there was an effect of the Application of Tricky Card Games on Elderly Lifestyle Compliance with Hypertension Based on Social Cognitive Therapy at Putra Mandiri Foundation.


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How to Cite
Wenny Ino Ischak, Lusiane Adam, Paulus Pangalo, & Agussalim. (2024). Analysis of Healthy Lifestyle Adherence with Tricky Card Games Based on Social Cognitive Therapy in Elderly People with Hypertension. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 853–859.
Author Biographies

Wenny Ino Ischak

Gorongtalo School of Nursing, Gorontalo Health Polytechnic, Gorongtalo City, Gorongtalo Province, Indonesia

Lusiane Adam

Gorongtalo School of Nursing, Gorontalo Health Polytechnic, Gorongtalo City, Gorongtalo Province, Indonesia

Paulus Pangalo

Gorongtalo School of Nursing, Gorontalo Health Polytechnic, Gorongtalo City, Gorongtalo Province, Indonesia


Parepare School of Nursing, Makassar Health Polytechnic, Parepare City, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia