Exploring the Influence of Social Media Marketing on Generation Z’s Purchase Decision in Tamil Nadu

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Ms. J.Madhumithaa
Dr. S.Smilee Bose


This study analyzes the impact of virtual amusement publicizing on the purchase decisions Old enough Z in Tamil Nadu. As cutting edge local people, Age Z is significantly powerful by means of online amusement stages, which essentially impacts their buyer conduct. The exploration centers around understanding how online entertainment promoting methodologies, for example, powerhouse supports, designated ads, and intuitive substance, shape the purchasing decisions of this segment.

A blended strategy approach was utilized, joining quantitative overviews and subjective meetings to assemble extensive information. The review incorporated an example of 500 respondents matured 18-24, while inside and out interviews were led with 20 members to acquire further experiences.

Discoveries uncover that web-based entertainment promoting assumes a pivotal part in the buying choices of Age Z in Tamil Nadu. Key elements affecting these choices remember trust for virtual entertainment powerhouses, saw genuineness of the substance, and the intuitive idea of web-based entertainment crusades. Also, the review features the significance of customized advertising and companion suggestions in driving buy conduct.

The exploration presumes that organizations focusing on Age Z ought to use web-based entertainment stages actually, zeroing in on genuineness, commitment, and personalization to impact buy choices. These bits of knowledge can assist advertisers with growing more viable systems to associate with and convert this well informed customer bunch.


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How to Cite
Ms. J.Madhumithaa, & Dr. S.Smilee Bose. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Social Media Marketing on Generation Z’s Purchase Decision in Tamil Nadu. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2663–2670. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5383
Author Biographies

Ms. J.Madhumithaa

Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Avadi, Chennai-600 054

Dr. S.Smilee Bose

Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research , Avadi, Chennai-600 054.