Exploring Cyber Threats Associated With Autonomous And Connected Vehicles

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Prof. Pradnya Kashikar
Dr. Samita Mahapatra
Ms. Latha Chandran


Autonomous and connected vehicles (ACVs) are transforming the transportation industry by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving safety. However, these developments also create new vulnerabilities and expose ACVs to cyber threats. The consequences of these threats range from mere inconvenience to severe accidents, highlighting the urgent need to address the issue of cyber security in ACVs. This literature review aims to provide an overview of the current research on cyber threats for ACVs to create awareness about the major vulnerabilities faced by modern vehicles. The review covers various types of cyber threats, such as attacks on sensors, communication networks, and control systems, and countermeasures to mitigate these threats.



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How to Cite
Prof. Pradnya Kashikar, Dr. Samita Mahapatra, & Ms. Latha Chandran. (2024). Exploring Cyber Threats Associated With Autonomous And Connected Vehicles. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 12823–12830. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.5418
Author Biographies

Prof. Pradnya Kashikar

Research Scholar, MIT ADT University, Loni-Kalbhor, Pune- India

Dr. Samita Mahapatra

Ph.D. Guide & Assistant Professor, MIT ADT University, Loni-Kalbhor, Pune- India

Ms. Latha Chandran

Technology Specialist, Trivandrum, Kerala, India