Rethinking The Development Of Chinese Ink And Wash Painting In China After 1985: The Emergence, Evolution And Significance Of Contemporary Chinese Ink And Wash Painting In China

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Wang, Suyimeng
Safrizal Bin Shahir


Since the 20th century, the influence of foreign thoughts on Chinese art and culture is obviously an inevitable trend under globalization (Lu, 2006). This study focuses on the artistic creation of Chinese ink and wash painting. It reviews the relevant archives and documents about history of Chinese contemporary art, and systematically sorts out findings about its emergence, evolution and significance since the movement of "85 Art Trend" taken place in China. Chinese artists, especially young artists, "imitation" to learn to (re)interpret contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting art by adopting Western art elements. After “85 Art Trend”, Chinese art began to breakthrough and be featured on international art platform, including Chinese contemporary ink art. Besides painted local Chinese art element, with local originality, it explores and reflects the influences of Western art on Chinese ink art. Its development from traditional to contemporary was reviewed through analyzing the changes in the forms of artworks created at different periods. This study uses qualitative methods to collect and analyze secondary qualitative data. Based on the findings, the study investigates the possibilities for the future development of contemporary Chinese ink art towards strengthening confidence of Chinese community in art and culture. 


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How to Cite
Wang, Suyimeng, & Safrizal Bin Shahir. (2024). Rethinking The Development Of Chinese Ink And Wash Painting In China After 1985: The Emergence, Evolution And Significance Of Contemporary Chinese Ink And Wash Painting In China. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1015–1025.
Author Biographies

Wang, Suyimeng

School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia

Safrizal Bin Shahir

School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia