Assess The Attitude And Intention Towards The Nursing Profession Among B.Sc Nursing First-Year Students, Studying In Bhaarath College Of Nursing: Longitudinal Study

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Mrs. Sangeetha. G
Dr.S. Vasantha.


Introduction: This study investigates the perceptions of first-year B.Sc. Nursing students at Bhaarath College of Nursing over a four-year period, shedding light on the factors affecting their attitudes towards the nursing profession. By examining their demographic characteristics and attitudes, the research aims to identify the influences on their career intentions. The study reveals the dynamic nature of these attitudes and the significance of societal, educational, and personal factors in shaping the future of healthcare.

Methods and Materials: A longitudinal survey from 2020 to 2023 involved 321 first-year B.Sc. Nursing students using a convenience sampling technique. Data collection included demographic information and a Likert-scale questionnaire assessing attitudes and intentions. Cronbach's alpha ensured internal consistency. Descriptive and inferential statistics analyzed trends and associations.

Objectives: 1. Determine the demographic characteristics, including age, gender, geographical region, socio-economic background, previous hospitalization experience, education status of parents, and parents' occupation, among B.Sc. Nursing First Year Students.2.Analyze the frequency and percentage distribution of the level of attitude and intention towards the nursing profession among B.Sc. Nursing First Year Students.3.Compare the levels of attitude and intention towards the nursing profession among B.Sc. Nursing First-Year Students across different intake cohorts. 4.Conduct pairwise comparison of attitude and intention towards the nursing profession among B.Sc. Nursing First Year Students to identify significant differences. 5.Determine the inter-item correlation of attitude and intention towards the nursing profession among B.Sc. Nursing First Year Students. 6.Investigate the association of the level of attitude and intention towards the nursing profession with demographic variables among B.Sc. Nursing First Year Students.

Result and Discussion: The demographic analysis of first-year B.Sc. Nursing students at Bhaarath College of Nursing from 2020 to 2023 reveals several patterns and shifts. The highest representation is found in the southern region, peaking at 94% in 2022. The northern region experienced a high level of representation in 2021 at 49%, while the eastern region and Union Territories have minimal representation. Students under 20 years dominate the age distribution, with 96% of them in 2022 and 89.1% in 2023, while those aged 20-25 years decreased after 2020. Females are predominantly represented with consistently high numbers at 95% in 2020 and around 85% in subsequent years, while male representation spiked only in 2021 at 61%. The middle class forms the majority across all years, with 87% representation in 2022, while the lower middle class and upper middle class have lesser representation.The research on nursing students' attitudes and intentions from 2020 to 2023 indicates that they consistently maintain a strong and positive attitude towards the profession. In 2020, all students showed a favorable attitude, which slightly decreased to 98% in 2021. In 2022, the percentage of students with a favorable attitude dropped to 89%, but it rebounded to 95% in 2023. Moderately favorable attitudes were rare, with none in 2020, 2% in 2021, 11% in 2022, and 5% in 2023. No students had unfavorable attitudes across the four years.

Conclusion: The study highlights evolving demographics and consistently positive attitudes towards nursing among first-year students. Significant demographic differences underscore the need for targeted interventions. Positive correlations between respect, job security, and career intentions suggest fostering a supportive environment to enhance students' commitment to nursing.


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How to Cite
Mrs. Sangeetha. G, & Dr.S. Vasantha. (2024). Assess The Attitude And Intention Towards The Nursing Profession Among B.Sc Nursing First-Year Students, Studying In Bhaarath College Of Nursing: Longitudinal Study. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1106–1113.
Author Biographies

Mrs. Sangeetha. G

Research Scholar, Department Of Mental Health Nursing, Bhaarath College Of Nursing, Bharath Institute Of Higher Education And Research (DU)

Dr.S. Vasantha.

Principal Bhaarath College Of Nursing, Bharath Institute Of Higher Education And Research (DU)