Customized Anagram Puzzle: Accelerate Student Learning Process For Dental Undergraduates.

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Dr Suganya M
Dr Parimala Kulkarni
Dr Shikha Mali
Dr Aditya Taiwade



INTRODUCTION: Education can be made more engaging and enjoyable by incorporating various active learning methods, including anagram puzzles. Anagram is a recent concept which focusses on active learning which helps in critical thinking, communication, and co-operative learning skills making learning more effective, efficient, and retentive. The current study is aimed to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of using anagram puzzles as an active learning tool for students as an alternative method for recalling fundamental concepts and promoting self-directed learning among dental undergraduate students.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To assess the viability of anagram puzzles as an active teaching/ learning method for dental undergraduate students.

METHODOLOGY: Two segments of the “Must know” category of the syllabus were chosen. The class was divided into two groups using computerized random generator and students were divided into 2 groups (I and II) and they were exposed to didactic lectures, but the activity of solving the anagram puzzles was undertaken only by the interventional group. Questionnaire in the form of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) was given at the end of the activity to both the groups, and results were evaluated.

RESULTS: Mann–Whitney U test between interventional (Group I) learners revealed an average mean score of 16.71 out of 20 in the post-activity test when compared to 8.65 out of 10 in the control (Group II) students and was statistically significant in both the sessions.

CONCLUSION: The use of anagram puzzles as an active learning tool for dental undergraduates is feasible and effective. The puzzles were able to help students recall fundamental concepts and promote self-directed learning. Additionally, the puzzles were engaging and enjoyable, which made the learning process more efficient and interesting. We promote other dental educators too to consider using anagram puzzles in their classrooms for effective teaching learning.


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How to Cite
Dr Suganya M, Dr Parimala Kulkarni, Dr Shikha Mali, & Dr Aditya Taiwade. (2024). Customized Anagram Puzzle: Accelerate Student Learning Process For Dental Undergraduates. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1242–1247.
Author Biographies

Dr Suganya M

3rd year Postgraduate student; Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Peoples College of Dental Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. 

Dr Parimala Kulkarni

Dean and Head of Department; Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Peoples College of dental Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Dr Shikha Mali

Reader, Department of Pediatric and preventive dentistry, Peoples college of dental Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Dr Aditya Taiwade

3rd year Postgraduate student; Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Peoples College of dental Science, Peoples college of Dental Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.