Enhancing Independence Of Independent Directors: Integrating Provisions From The Companies Act, 2013 And Cooperative Societies Act - A Perceptual Study.

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Mr. Saji Vithal Vernekar


This study combines components of the Cooperative Act to investigate methods for enhancing the autonomy of independent directors who are nominated under the Companies Act, 2013. Independent directors play a crucial role in corporate governance since they assume responsibility, provide supervision, and ensure protection for shareholders. This study proposes methods to enhance the autonomy of independent directors inside corporate frameworks, drawing inspiration from the Cooperative Act, which prioritizes democratic governance and involvement of stakeholders.

Key areas of focus include transparent nomination procedures, rigorous credential and disqualification requirements, term constraints, comprehensive training and development programs, robust conflict of interest guidelines, and effective whistleblower protection measures. By including elements such as involving members in director selection, ensuring diverse representation on boards, and implementing robust dispute resolution mechanisms, organizations can foster a governance environment that promotes autonomy, accountability, and ethical conduct.

This paper offers practical insights to policymakers, regulators, and corporate governance practitioners on how to enhance governance frameworks in corporate organizations and promote the autonomy of independent directors. It achieves this by comparing the provisions of the Companies Act and the Cooperative Act. These enhancements possess the capability to mitigate risks, improve the quality of decision-making processes, and bolster the confidence of stakeholders and shareholders in corporate entities. 


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How to Cite
Mr. Saji Vithal Vernekar. (2024). Enhancing Independence Of Independent Directors: Integrating Provisions From The Companies Act, 2013 And Cooperative Societies Act - A Perceptual Study. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1268–1273. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5483
Author Biography

Mr. Saji Vithal Vernekar

Academic Associate, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.