The reality of the use of e-learning at the University of Biskra (Algeria) and its most important difficulties In light of the coronavirus pandemic -An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of faculty members at the College of Economic, Commercial

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Dr. Meghazi Larafi Radia
Pr. Mohamed Grichi


This study aimed to identify the reality of the use of e-learning at the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences at the University of Biskra and identify its most important difficulties and this is from the point of view of faculty members, to achieve this we used the questionnaire and it was distributed to a random sample of faculty members in the faculty under study, numbering (101) professors. In statistical analysis of data, several statistical methods are used. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The college under study does not adequately provide the various human, organizational, material and technical requirements necessary in the educational environment to use e-learning, and the faculty members of the college under study are not well aware or control the various types of e-learning, and They face great difficulties while using e-learning, which are related in particular to the curriculum, university administration, and the experience of faculty members in the field of e-learning.

The study concluded with a number of recommendations, most notably: The college must provide the necessary all human, organizational, material and technical requirements necessary to use e-learning, and faculty members must understand and control well the various types of e-learning with its changing tools, and faculty members must be supported and motivated to use "audio conferences" Video conferencing and the virtual whiteboard "This is as a mechanism for e-learning, in addition to overcoming the various difficulties facing the process of using e-learning in the college under study.


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How to Cite
Dr. Meghazi Larafi Radia, & Pr. Mohamed Grichi. (2024). The reality of the use of e-learning at the University of Biskra (Algeria) and its most important difficulties In light of the coronavirus pandemic -An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of faculty members at the College of Economic, Commercial. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1479–1493.
Author Biographies

Dr. Meghazi Larafi Radia

Department of Commercial Sciences at the University of Biskra (Algeria), 

Pr. Mohamed Grichi

Department of Management Sciences at the University of Biskra (Algeria),