Exploring The Leadership Role In Shaping The Organizational Culture

Main Article Content

Dr. Jerry John
Dr. Latha A


Of all the social science ideas, leadership has been studied the most, and it is crucial for both people and businesses. The majority of study to date has been on gender, culture, and performance; in contrast, the East—which includes China, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Japan, and other countries—remains mostly unexplored while accounting for a sizable portion of the global economy. Consequently, an extensive valuation of the research works was done in regards to develop a new integrated model that illustrates the connection between organizational culture, employee performance, and leadership styles.  The article has theoretical foundations. A thorough literature analysis has been conducted to debate the lookout of leadership and its styles like Transformational and Transactional in particular—& their influence on performance. As a result, the linkages between various factors have been established. Due to cultural differences, the impact of different leadership philosophies on worker performance was identified to differ, while communication was determined to be one of the key components of an effective leadership style. The practicality of theoretical research has been produced by examining rational relationships among variables through the study findings of several authors, making it accessible to trainers and practitioners.

The paper provides insights into leadership styles and that can has a beneficial impact on organization culture and increase the effectiveness of HRM programs. It also discusses practical implications for leaders, HR professionals, and practitioners of organizational development. The study sheds insight on the dynamic interactions between HRM, culture, and leadership in the modern corporate environment, which benefits both academic literature and management practices.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Dr. Jerry John, & Dr. Latha A. (2024). Exploring The Leadership Role In Shaping The Organizational Culture. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1669–1674. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5570
Author Biographies

Dr. Jerry John

Professor & Director, One School of Business, Bangalore.

Dr. Latha A

Dean, One School of Business, Bangalore.