A Study Of Effectiveness Of Training And Development

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Sumeera Sultana
Dr. Priyanka Shrivastava


Effective and efficient operation of any business depends on having staff members who have received proper training. An organization's continuous effort is to facilitate the growth of knowledge, skills, and talents. Training and education boost productivity in the workplace. The efficiency and effectiveness of a company's workers determine the company's fate. Consequently, meeting the market's competitive strategy requires on-going education and training in relevant fields. Always be sure you provide adequate training—not the greatest, but enough for survival—to fulfill the expectations of such marketplaces. Examining how IT firms go about educating and developing their employees is the primary goal of this article. Businesses are now engaged in a state of continual learning as a result of the intense market rivalry. In order to thrive and advance, businesses and people must demonstrate a willingness to learn new things on the fly. The company's already stellar performance will skyrocket thanks to this. Through training, an individual may increase his or her competence, capability, and efficiency on the job by expanding and refining his or her comprehension of the material and acquiring new, up-to-date information. A person may also learn the right attitude and conduct toward their job and coworkers via training. Organizations risk losing valuable personnel and perhaps their lives if they do not offer them with training. As a result, individuals are more aware of the Policies and Procedures that govern their conduct. Education is the process of putting one's knowledge to use in order to advance one's career or excel in one's current position.


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How to Cite
Sumeera Sultana, & Dr. Priyanka Shrivastava. (2024). A Study Of Effectiveness Of Training And Development. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1748–1754. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5584
Author Biographies

Sumeera Sultana

Research Scholar, Department of MBA, Kalinga University

Dr. Priyanka Shrivastava

Professor, Department of MBA, Kalinga University