A Study On Various Authentication Schemes In Iot To Provide Security

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Mrs. Misbah Kousar
Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Dr. Mohammed Abdul Bari


The capacity to provide commonplace devices a means of identification and an additional channel for communication between themselves is what the Internet of Things (IoT) is all about. Smart homes, smart cities, wearables, e-health, and many more sectors span the vast expanse of the Internet of Things (IoT). The end result will be the interconnection of billions upon billions of devices. Automatic data collection, analysis, and decision-making will be possible with the help of these intelligent gadgets. In these situations, security is of the utmost importance, and authentication in particular is of great concern because to the potential harm that could be caused by an unauthenticated item in an IoT system. A comprehensive and current overview of the Internet of Things authentication sector is provided in this paper. Various authentication techniques have been suggested in the literature, and this document summarizes them all. As a first step for researchers and developers in this field, it compares and evaluates the proposed authentication methods using a multi-criteria categorization that we previously provided. It then shows the strengths and shortcomings of each protocol.


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How to Cite
Mrs. Misbah Kousar, Dr. Sanjay Kumar, & Dr. Mohammed Abdul Bari. (2024). A Study On Various Authentication Schemes In Iot To Provide Security. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1768–1779. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5586
Author Biographies

Mrs. Misbah Kousar

Ph.D Scholar in Kalinga University 

Dr. Sanjay Kumar

Associate Professor, Kalinga University (CSE DEPT)

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Bari

Associate Professor – CSE-KMEC