Perception Study In Public And Private Organizations Regarding Social Responsibility In Occupational Health And Safety In Ecuador

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Edison Patricio Salazar Cueva
Martha Lucía Quintero Garzón


Social responsibility is a commitment that companies assume to improve the welfare of the society in which they operate. In this document, an analysis is made based on documentary sources of public and private organizations regarding social responsibility in occupational safety and health involved in the construction of bridges and access roads in large cities in Ecuador. Occupational safety and health are a crucial issue in the construction industry, and it is important that companies are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. Social responsibility in this context implies that companies must take proactive measures to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses and ensure that their employees have access to the necessary medical care. In Ecuador, the construction of bridges and access roads in large cities is an important activity that involves both public and private companies. It is essential that companies assume their social responsibility and act together to ensure that construction safety and health standards are met.

Companies realize that success does not depend solely on profits, but that it is also necessary to contribute to the well-being of all those involved in them in order to make them more competitive. To achieve this, companies must undertake corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions. However, some companies that claim to be socially responsible are not completely so. In the construction sector, the work is one of the most exposed to suffer occupational accidents. In 2018, the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security reported that 3.3% of occupational accidents in Ecuadorian industry were generated in the construction sector. It is important that companies assume their social responsibility in occupational safety and health, and work together to ensure that occupational risk prevention standards are met.

The results show that Corporate Social Responsibility is closely related to sustainable development; currently in Ecuador there are reforms, where priority is given to social and environmental commitment, where companies seek to be socially responsible, generating more resources, but at the same time raising awareness of the care and preservation of the environment and the welfare of their employees.


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How to Cite
Edison Patricio Salazar Cueva, & Martha Lucía Quintero Garzón. (2024). Perception Study In Public And Private Organizations Regarding Social Responsibility In Occupational Health And Safety In Ecuador. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6(S), 336–345.
Author Biographies

Edison Patricio Salazar Cueva

Universidad del Valle (Colombia)

Martha Lucía Quintero Garzón

Universidad del Valle (Colombia)